Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Greaves

Mrs Greaves

Hello, I'm Mrs Greaves...always bright, cheerful and ready for fun, learning and adventures!

Welcome to your first year at the Weaver!
To keep our learning fun we will be covering the following topics during your time in Reception.
Autumn A - All about Me
Autumn B - Festivals and Celebrations
Spring A - Superheroes
Spring B - Traditional Tales
Summer A -  Travel & Transport
Summer B - Mini beasts
What do we already know?
The first three weeks in school are focussed on getting to know each other, settling into new routines and becoming familiar with our environment. During this time the Reception team will do some baseline assessments to see what the children already know, this will help us to plan for the teaching that will follow. 
Please enjoy sharing books with your child every day. Reading is the foundation for everything that we do. Developing a love of books early on will reap huge benefits as your child progresses through the year groups. My favourite saying... 'There is no app to replace your lap' 
Cuddles and stories every night create special bonds. Ensure you give your child time to talk about their day, their wishes and dreams!
We follow the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics scheme which has outstanding results. The reading books that your child has are linked to the phonics that they are learning. For more information please visit  or speak to your class teacher. We also have a meeting for parents so that we can explain how you can support your child as they learn to read and write in their first year of school. Initially your child will bring home a book for a pleasure, once they have been taught the first sets of sounds they will then bring home books in line with their phonic knowledge.
Our P.E. session will be on a Monday this year. Please come to school wearing your kit. Make sure your child has jogging bottoms and a hoody for the cooler weather and a hat and suncream already applied for the warmer weather.  We intend to be outdoors as much as is possible!
Forest School
On a Friday afternoon we have Forest School. Please come to school dressed in P.E. tops/hoodies with joggers and trainers. Wellies should be named and left in school. Send waterproof/warm coats as approrpriate for the weather conditions because we spend the afternoon outdoors. Hats and gloves in cold weather too please!
Snacks, lunches and water bottles.
Please make sure you send a named water bottle to school every day. A healthy snack should be provided for morning break (It must NOT contain nuts) For afternoon break we will provide fruit. All of the children are eligible for a free school lunch but we understand that a few children may prefer to have a lunch from home. Please ensure lunch boxes are named.
A staff member from Reception class will be at the gate each morning to greet you and your child. Please share any important information with us.
If anything is urgent please do not hesitate to contact the school office by telephone or email - Especially if your child is going to be absent from school.
I will respond to my emails at my earliest opportunity - 
A note in the diary is also a good option, again we aim to reply as soon as possible.
We also have a message facility on our learning platform - Seesaw. Log in details will be provided in September.

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Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ