Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Morris

Mrs Morris

Hello I am Mrs Morris and I like singing, running and going to the theatre.

Welcome to Year 1! 


Our teacher is Mrs Morris. 

We learn through work and play.  We carry out lots of fun activities that are planned in line with the National Curriculum for Year 1.  Mrs Morris tells us our topic and asks us what we would like to learn about within the topic.  We are enjoying being in our new classroom and decorating it with our projects. We enjoy Phonics, Maths, English, History, Geography, RE, Design and Technology, Computing, PE, Music, PSHE and Art. 

Our topics for the year are as follows.

Traditional Tales

Our English work will include lots of phonics based activities as we continue our journey using Read Write Inc.  We will focus on writing simple words and sentences and making sure that these include full stops, finger spaces and capital letters.  We will read our own writing back to check that it makes sense.

 In Mathematics we will be reading and writing the numbers to 20. Finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number and looking at halves of shapes and numbers. We will also looking at naming and describing shapes. During lessons on geometry we will learn about left and right and positional language including turns.

In Science we will be looking at Living Things including Humans.

In Geography we will look at the United Kingdom and we will learn about the capitals of each country of the United Kingdom.  

In History we will be looking at changes within living memory. 

Art and Design will focus on drawing, including different types of line and different materials that we can use to create line art.

In Music we shall be learning new songs related to our topic, combining sounds and learning about the different dimensions of music. Through this we shall also be listening to live and recorded music. We will also be using tuned and untuned instruments within our music lessons to add sounds to stories.

In Design and Technology we will work on designing items, making them and evaluationg them.

In Class One we learn about Christianity during our R.E lessons throughout the year.

During our Computing lessons we will be looking at creating a digital image, storing and retrieving that image, manipulating that image and printing it off. We will also be using iPads to create art work. During these lessons we will also discuss computer safety.

In PE we will be working on our ball skills in Cricket on a Tuesday and working with Mr Gibbons on a Friday.


London -The Great Fire of London and Paddington Bear             

  • In Mathematics this term we will be counting, reading and writing numbers to 100! We will also be working on basic addition and subtraction and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. During our lessons on measurement we will look at o'clock and half past times. In shape we will cover 2D and 3D shapes and finding half and quarter of these shapes.
  • In Phonics we will continue to work on Phases 3, 4 and 5 and focus on using and applying our phonic knowledge and skills when we are reading and writing independently.
  • In Science we will be learning at plants, identifying, naming and classifying. We will look at garden plants and evergreen trees. 
  • In Geography we will be naming and locating the capital cities of the U.K. The children will be introduced to the compass points North, East, South and West.
  • In History we will be learning about the fire of Nantwich and the Fire of London.
  •  Art and Design - using materials to design and make tudor house pictures, plant and tree sculptures, paintings and drawings.
  • Music - singing songs related to the topic, learning chants and rhymes, playing tuned and untuned intruments to accompany these songs.
  • In Computing we will be looking at the different uses of ICT beyond the school environment, creating pictures of tudor houses on the computer,  manipulating these images and saving and retrieving them. We will also be looking at algorithms, creating and debugging, logical reasoning anhd computer safety.                                                  

In Class One we learn about Christianity during our R.E lessons throughout the year, including the the Easter Story.


During the Summer term our topic is Animal Adventures/Hot and Cold

  • In Mathematics this term we will be continuing to count, read and write numbers to 100! This will include number bonds to 20. We will also be working on addition and subtraction and basic multiplication and division.  During our lessons on measurement we will look at capacity and mass/weight.  In shape we will continue to cover 2D and 3D shapes and finding half and quarter of these shapes. In geometry we will be looking at direction and full, half and quarter turns. Some of this work will link to half past and quarter past times on an analogue clock.
  • In Phonics we will be continuing to practise all the graphemes and high-frequency words we have learnt so far. We will be learning different pronunciations of some graphemes and alternative spellings of phonemes. We will also be practising reading real & nonsense words using our phonic skills so we are ready for the Year One Phonics Check in June 2018.
  • In Geography we will be exploring the area around our school and creating our own simple maps to show how we get to school.
  • In R.E. we will be continuing to learn about the Christian faith.
  • In P.E. we will be developing our travelling, throwing and catching skills and playing simple, competitive games, which will include our Sports Day in the second half term.
  • In Art we will be investigating pattern, texture and collage. 
  • In Science we will be investigating everyday materials, bodies including the five senses, studying animals and the seasons.
  • In Computing the children will create a digital image of themselves to save and edit.
  • In Music we will be singing songs which will include selecting and combining instrumental sounds.  We will also be listening to composers and commenting on our likes and dislikes of each music style.
  • In Design and Technology the children will be designing and creating their own smoothie.

(Please click on  Planning File to view our Maths, Reading and Long Term Plan.) 

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter - WeaverClass1
In Year 1 we remember that:

Homework will be handed out/posted on Seesaw on a Friday to be completed on Seesaw by the Wednesday.

P.E. - Thursdays and Fridays


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Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ