Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Horsley

Mrs Horsley

Hi, I enjoy reading, listening to music and family holidays especially those in the Lake District or in sunny climates!

Class Twitter Page: @WeaverClass5ks25

If you have any questions or need to inform me of important information about your child, please do not hesitate to contact me on the email address below:


Welcome to Year 5

Hello and welcome to class 5. I am delighted to be sharing your learning journey with you. As class 5 teacher, I love all the fun activities and challenges the year brings. The Iceburg Illusion by Sylvia Duckworth and The power of Yet are important aspects of Growth Mind Set. This will help your child to develop perseverance and 'grit.' Keep these in your mind when learning both at school and at home.

Now that your child is in upper key stage 2, the curriculum is challenging and in depth. Any support you can give at home is extremely valuable and appreciated. It is important that you ask your child what they are learning and if they require any additional help to secure the learning. Please instil the importance of asking for help at school if unsure.

It is important that the children are taught a broad, balanced curriculum, this will include school trips, as well as taking part in a variety of musical and sporting activities.

P.E. will be each Wednesday and Friday so the children will need to come to school in their P.E. kits.

We will be using I.C.T. across all areas of the curriculum and have access to a wealth of resources including laptops, PCs, iPads and iMac computers.

Regular English and Maths home learning activities will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. I will use Seesaw to set tasks. It is helpful if the work can be uploaded as a response to the task set. I do expect home learning to be completed to the same high standard as classwork and uploaded on time! Arrangements can be made for pupils who are unable to access the internet at home. There will also be opportunities for extended project home learning linked to specific topics taught throughout the year. 

As in previous years, your child should aim to read for 20 minutes each evening. It is vital that some of this reading is out loud to an adult and followed up with discussion work about the text. Please record this in the Reading Diary so your child can earn lots of housepoints. 

In the front of your child's spelling book, is a list of the spelling rules which are covered in years 3 and 4 as well as the ones we will be covering in year 5. On Mondays, the children will do a 'cold' test and be introduced to a particular rule. They will then investigate and practise the rule before doing a 'hot' test the following Monday. Please encourage your child to use the website Spelling Frame to practise the spelling rules and to help in narrowing any gaps in their learning. Alongside the patterns, the children will revise spellings from years 3 and 4 moving on to spellings in the year 5 and 6 list. These words can be found in the reading diary on page 100.

Knowing the Times Tables for instant recall is another essential skill. The children will be tested each Friday. TTRockstars is a great way to practise. I will set up Battles of the Band regularly throughout the year to motivate the children. Please help your child as good times tables knowledge supports many different areas of Mathematics. 

There are a wealth of great websites to support learning in Year 5 so please see the tab above for ideas.

Have fun learning. Remember to keep challenging yourself and to keep persevering.

Mrs A Horsley

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Singfest, by Mrs Bartram

Year 5 - Quarry Bank Mill, by Mrs Bartram

Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ