Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mr Pownall

Mr Pownall

twitter: @WeaverYear3


Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 3!  I hope you all had a relaxing summer holiday and managed to spend some time in the sunshine with your families and friends.  It’s a new start for us all and Mrs Cope, Mr Dean and I are very excited to be working with the new Year 3!  The first couple of weeks will be settling into the new routines, getting to know our friends and spending time with our new classmates.  Our first priority is to ensure the children are happy and settled back into school life.

I have outlined some of the routines in Year 3, however these can sometimes change. If there is going to be a significant difference, I will let you know as soon as I can.


Your child should have brought home their new reading book and diary already. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. We will try to hear all children read at least once per week in school (this may be as part of a group) but some children will be heard more regularly. It is vitally important that you read with your child and it is encouraging to already see comments from parents who are sharing books with their children at home. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.


Your child will receive spellings each week on a Friday and tested the following Friday.  All spellings can be found on the ‘Spelling Frame’ platform where they can be practised using games and activities. The spelling book needs to be in school each Friday. They will also be given a sheet with the spellings on for the whole term. These link with the spelling frame rules indicated at the top of each set of words.

Times Tables

Times Tables begin to play a much bigger role in the curriculum in Key Stage 2 and it's important the children build a good foundation with these. Log ons to TT Rockstars have been provided and the children should aim to use this site a few times each week. We will also be testing Times Tables in school each Friday (alongside the spellings). The number of Times Tables included will increase each half term so the children will hopefully have a good working knowledge of these as they move into Year 4.


Messages can be passed via school reading diaries.  If you have put an important message in the diary, please encourage your child to pass the diaries to an adult as we don’t see each diary every day.  You can also email me at Details of our class Twitter account is above (please come and follow us!) and other information will be placed on the Year 3 Class Page on the website, which I am currently putting together.

Snacks and Water Bottles

If your child has a snack for morning playtime please ensure it contains no nuts and is easily opened by them. The snacks will be placed in their school trays.  Please send your child with a named water bottle.  These must be cleaned every night.


PE days in Year 3 are Wednesday and Friday. Children should come to school wearing their PE kits as this makes life easier for everyone!  Mrs Morgan has added a letter to the school website giving more information about PE kits.  As winter approaches, please make sure your child is wearing jogging bottoms or leggings as they can get cold wearing shorts.

Money and slips

If you send any money or slips into school, place them in the school diaries or ask your child to hand them to a Year 3 adult.  We will then send it to the school office.  Please ensure all envelopes with money inside are labelled clearly.


Homework is handed out on a Friday and expected to be completed and handed back in on the following Wednesday unless it is a longer term project. Please check SeeSaw if you are unsure what the task may be. Reading, spelling and times tables should be contunied regardless of any other tasks set.


I hope this helps clarify some of the Year 3 routines. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Thank you for your support.

A Pownall and the Year 3 Team



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Year 3/4 Assembly, by Mrs Bartram

Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ