Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Morgan
Year 4 class teacher
Welcome to Year 4
Mrs Morgan
Twitter - @Y4Weaver
Email -
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Year 4.
Click on the links above for information on the Year 4 curriculum, websites that you may find useful and how to help your child at home.
- Year 4 will have PE on Wednesdays (swimming lessons) and Thursdays during the Spring Term.
- They will need to come to school on those days wearing their PE kits.
- If there are any changes to these days, you will be informed via the school text messaging service (please ensure that your contact details are up to date).
- Earrings are not to be worn during a PE session. If your child wears earrings, they need to be able to remove them and store them safely for the session.
- Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be completed by the following Friday. I will put a message onto Seesaw each week, so you are able to see what homework has been set.
- There may be times when a project homework is set. These are optional and a minimum of two weeks will be given for it to be completed.
- Spellings – these will be given to the children on Mondays, and they will be tested the following Monday.
- The spellings given link with the website ‘Spelling Frame’, and so will allow the children to practise their weekly spellings through games and tests.
- Weekly spelling lists will be stapled into your child's reading diary and will also be put onto Seesaw.
- Times tables – In June, the children will be expected to take part in the government’s statutory times tables check. This determines if they can recall their times tables fluently. Regular, weekly practise on TT Rockstars will help the children to practise this. Alongside this, the children will have a weekly times tables test on Thursdays, and this will consist of random questions up 12 x 12.
- Reading – regular reading at home, to an adult, is invaluable for your child. Please try to listen to your child read at home as often as possible. Not only does this allow your child to develop their fluency and accuracy skills, but it also allows them to develop their inference and deduction skills (through questioning and conversations you may have with your child about the text). For example, what your child thinks may happen next in the story, why a character behaved in the way that he/she did, what the author actually meant when they wrote a particular word or sentence.
- In the back of your child's diary, there is a 'top tips' sheet with the type of questions you may ask your child.
- Water Bottles – please ensure that your child’s water bottle is labelled and contains only water – no juice.
- Snacks – please ensure that your child brings only healthy snacks to school – no crisps or chocolate for morning play.
I have endeavoured to include all of the information that you will need for the new term ahead. However, if there is something I haven’t included and you are unsure of something, then please don’t hesitate in getting in contact.
My email address is:
Year 4 Twitter account: @Y4Weaver
Many thanks
Mrs Claire Morgan
Year 4: Wonderful Work items
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